Here is Julie, one half of Lincoln Wedding Florist, Violet & Vine sharing what she is loving in the garden this May.
May is probably my favourite month for our garden.Â

It started with the lily of the valley unfurling their beautiful leaves to reveal their delicate and wonderfully scented flowers. I’d always wanted to grow them but they never seemed to take when we lived in Surrey but here in Lincolnshire soil, what started with two or three plants from my mother in law has resulted in a continually growing mass.Â

I have a few well established choisya ternata shrubs, also known as Mexican orange blossom and I use them a great deal for foliage and I love their scented white flowers. Last year I planted a different variety called choisya dewitteana ‘aztec pearl’ and I love it. The leaves are a dark green and have a pretty star shape. It is also evergreen which is great for all round interest in the garden and again the flowers smell delightful; as you know I love white flowers and scent so this fits the bill.
Behind my choisya I have a white lupin which is doing surprisingly well despite Charlie choosing it for his sleeping spot in the garden when it is hot! I love the tall spire of bee friendly flowers and also how easy it is to collect the seeds (they are members of the pea family so the seeds grow in pods and when they are dry you just pod them and keep the seeds in an envelope and plant next year).

Beneath the choisya and the lupin I have erigeron, also known as Australian daisy, which unsurprisingly is a daisy-like flower. It is so pretty, looks so natural and spreads easily.

I love this azalea. It is quite a small compact shrub which when it is in flower is absolutely full of beautiful white blooms. I remember a garden where we used to live that was full of azaleas and this time of year it looked amazing. I love that plants evoke so many memories of other people and their gardens.

A flower relatively new to my garden and that is fast becoming a favourite of mine is ranunculus asiaticus aviv also known as Persian buttercup. I bought mine as bulbs or corms from Peter Nyssen about 3 years ago and they flower every year. They make wonderful cut flowers and are such a perfect looking flower.
And of course, the garden is currently full of peonies, clematis and roses but these deserve their own post!
Get in touch if you're getting married in Lincoln and you'd like to discuss your wedding flowers.